The Gospel is for Everyone

When you know God has been present in the past, then you can trust he will be present in the future.
The First Martyr

When you know God has been present in the past, then you can trust he will be present in the future.
The Ministry of the Word

The Holy Spirit empowers the people of God to fulfill the mission of God.

The Holy Spirit empowers the people of God to fulfill the mission of God.
Neighbors to Nations

The Spirit of God provides power and direction for the people of God.
Waiting on the Lord

The Spirit of God provides power and direction for the people of God.
Everyday Stewards

The love of Christ compels us to live as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, brokenover the lostness around us.
Vibrant Servants

If you are truly serving others like Jesus it will always highlight His glory, never yours.
Authentic Neighbors

Neighboring well models the ministry of Jesus.
Responsive Learners

Maturing followers of Jesus live Spirit-led lives responding in obedience to God’s Word.