Paul’s Destination

God will do whatever it takes to get the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Paul’s Defense

God uses the testimonies of the saints in powerful ways.
Paul’s Third Missionary Journey

The Gospel is worth our lives.
The Second Missionary Journey

We must go because where we see places, God sees people.
The First Missionary Journey

To be a follower of Christ is to be set apart for the work of the great commission.
The Gospel Spreads

The Gospel goes wherever God’s people go.
The Gospel is for Everyone

When you know God has been present in the past, then you can trust he will be present in the future.
The First Martyr

When you know God has been present in the past, then you can trust he will be present in the future.
The Ministry of the Word

The Holy Spirit empowers the people of God to fulfill the mission of God.

The Holy Spirit empowers the people of God to fulfill the mission of God.